Idioms beginning with "B"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of B:
[be the making of] {v. phr.}
To account for the success of someone or something.
The strict discipline that we had to undergo in graduate school was the making of many a successful professor.
* /The relatively low cost and high gas mileage are the […]
[be up to no good] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To be plotting and conniving to commit some illegal act or crime.
"Let's hurry!" Susan said to her husband. "It's dark here and those hoodlums obviously are up to no good."
[be up to something] {v. phr.}, {informal}
1. To feel strong enough or knowledgeable enough to accomplish a certain task.
Are you up to climbing all the way to the 37th floor?
* /Are we up to meeting the delegation from Moscow and speaking […]
[be-in] {n.}, {slang}, {hippie culture}
A gathering or social occasion with or without a discernible purpose, often held in a public place like a park or under a large circus tent.
* /The youngsters really enjoyed the great springtime jazz be-in at the […]
[beach bunny] {n.}, {slang}
An attractive girl seen on beaches — mostly to show off her figure; one who doesn't get into the water and swim.
* /What kind of a girl is Susie? — She's a beach bunny; she always comes to the Queen's Surf on Waikiki but […]