Prutkov Kozma
Kozma Prutkov — a collective pseudonym for the group of Russian writers — Alexey Tolstoy and Zhemchuzhnikov brothers, who performed jointly in 50—60s of the 19th century.
Entries 11—20 [total 101]; pages: 11 all
Contents of Prutkov Kozma:
Every thing is a manifestation of infinite diversity.
If upon a cage of an elephant you will see a sign reading: "buffalo", do not believe your eyes.
A sensitive man is like an ice-pick: be warm to him and he melts.
A specialist is like a gumboil: his plenitude is unilateral.
People correspond with all the world, and, via the press, with their distant descendants.
Do not joke with women — such jokes are silly and indecent.
Do not pull the pants on somebody else's legs.
In the deep of every heart, there is its own snake.
Zeal overcomes everything!
What don't care for what we have, we deplore what we have lost.
Entries 11—20 [total 101]; pages: 11 all