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out of one's wits
[out of one's wits] See: [SCARE OUT OF ONE'S WITS].
green around the gills
[green around the gills] or [pale around the gills] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Pale-faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated.  […]
take it or leave it
[take it or leave it] {v. phr.}, {informal} To accept something without change or refuse it; decide yes or no. - Often used  […]
Mae West
(1892-1980) U.S. actress I like two kinds of men: domestic and foreign.
acoustic perfume
[acoustic perfume] {n.}, {slang} Sound for covering up unwanted noise, such as music over loudspeakers in a noisy construction  […]
sucker list
[sucker list] {n.}, {slang} A list of easily-fooled people, especially people who are easily persuaded to buy things or give  […]
Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790), Poor Richard (September 1749) All would live long, but none would be old.
talk to the hand
[talk to the hand] or {slang} [talk to da hand] {v. phr.} {informal} ('cause the face ain't listening) (With outstretched  […]

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