Flashcards based on "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" set

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The familiar restaurant dish of ham and eggs; since ham is made of pork (and pigs grunt) and eggs come from hens (which cluck.)
Categories: noun slang
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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cluck and grunt

[cluck and grunt]  {n.},  {slang},  {avoid it in restaurants}
The familiar restaurant dish of ham and eggs; since ham is made of pork (and pigs grunt) and eggs come from hens (which cluck.)
"I am sorry I can't fix you an elaborate meal, but I can give you a quick cluck and grunt."
Categories: noun slang
A Dictionary of American Idioms
2 of 10
To join your efforts with those of others; work on a task together; cooperate.
Categories: business verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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pull together

[pull together]  {v.}
To join your efforts with those of others; work on a task together; cooperate.
Many men must pull together if a large business is to succeed.
Tim was a good football captain because he always got his teammates to pull together.
Categories: business verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
3 of 10
A limited number; some.
Compare: [SO MUCH].
Categories: pronoun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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so many

[so many] (2)  {pron}
A limited number; some.
Many people want to come to the prom; but the gymnasium will hold only so many.
Don't give the boys all the cookies they want; give so many to Tom, so many to Dick, and so many to Bob.
Compare: [SO MUCH].
Categories: pronoun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
4 of 10
1. A limited number of; some
2. A group of. — Often used for emphasis.
Compare: [SO MUCH]  {adj.}
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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so many

[so many] (1)  {adj.}
1. A limited number of; some
Our school auditorium will hold only so many people.
2. A group of. — Often used for emphasis.
The children were all sitting very quietly in their chairs, like so many dolls.
Compare: [SO MUCH]  {adj.}
Bob is always bragging; his stories are just so many lies.
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10
To drive to the side of the road and stop.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10

pull over

[pull over]  {v.}
To drive to the side of the road and stop.
The policeman told the speeder to pull over.
Everyone pulled over to let the ambulance pass.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
6 of 10
1. To check the forward motion of; halt; stop.
2. To tell (someone) to stop doing something; say (someone) is doing wrong and must stop; scold.
3. To stop moving forward; halt.
4. To come even with; move up beside.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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pull up

[pull up]  {v.}
1. To check the forward motion of; halt; stop.
He pulled up his horse at the gate.
2. To tell (someone) to stop doing something; say (someone) is doing wrong and must stop; scold.
Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up.
Ann said in her report that America was discovered in 1634, and the teacher pulled her up.
3. To stop moving forward; halt.
The car slowed down and pulled up at the curb.
4. To come even with; move up beside.
The other boat pulled up alongside us.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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I will not do it; certainly not; no indeed; no.
Compare: [NO DEAL].
Categories: adverb informal
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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nothing doing

[nothing doing]  {adv. phr.},  {informal}
I will not do it; certainly not; no indeed; no.
"Will you lend me a dollar?" "Nothing doing!"
"Let's go for a boat ride!" "Nothing doing!"
Compare: [NO DEAL].
Categories: adverb informal
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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Not agreed to; refused or useless; without success or result; no; certainly not. — Used in the predicate or to refuse something.
Categories: music slang success
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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no deal

[no deal] or [no dice] or [no go] or [no sale] or [no soap]  {slang}
Not agreed to; refused or useless; without success or result; no; certainly not. — Used in the predicate or to refuse something.
Billy wanted to let Bob join the team, but I said that it was no deal because Bob was too young.
"Let me have a dollar." "No dice!" answered Joe.
I tried to get Mary on the telephone but it was no go.
"Let's go to the beach tomorrow." "No sale, I have my music lesson tomorrow."
I asked Dad for a new bicycle but it was no soap.
Categories: music slang success
A Dictionary of American Idioms
9 of 10
To use your personal power to get something done
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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swing one's weight

[swing one's weight]  {v. phr.}
To use your personal power to get something done
The President swings his weight to get laws passed.
Mr. Thomas swung his weight to get his son a job with the company.
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
10 of 10
To do your full share of work; do your part.
Compare: [WORTH ONE'S SALT].
Categories: children verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
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pull one's weight

[pull one's weight]  {v. phr.}
To do your full share of work; do your part.
In a small shop, it is important that each man pull his weight.
When Mother was sick in the hospital, Father said each child must pull his own weight.
Compare: [WORTH ONE'S SALT].
Categories: children verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms