Reading set "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" (Number of items 10)

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improve on

To make or get one that is better than (another).
Dick made good marks the first year, but he thought he could improve on them.
Charles built a new model racer for the derby race, because he knew he could improve upon his old one.

in any case

in any case also in any event or at all events  {adv. phr.}
1. No matter what happens: surely; without fail; certainly; anyhow; anyway.
It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case.
I may not go to Europe, but in any event, I will visit you during the summer.
2. Regardless of anything else; whatever else may be true; anyhow; anyway.
Tom was not handsome and he was not brilliant, but at all events he worked hard and was loyal to his boss.
I don't know if it is a white house or a brown house. At all events, it is a big house on Main Street.
Compare: AT ANY RATE, AT LEAST (2).

in cold blood

in cold blood  {adv. phr.}
Without feeling or pity; in a purposely cruel way; coolly and deliberately.
The bank robbers planned to shoot in cold blood anyone who got in their way.
The bandits planned to murder in cold blood all farmers in the village by the river.
Categories:adverb feelings

keep plugging along

keep plugging along  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To continue to work diligently and with great effort, often against hardship.
Bob was not particularly talented but he kept plugging along year after year, and eventually became vice president.
Categories:informal verb

keep step with

keep step with  {v. phr.}
To maintain the same degree of progress as someone else.
The United States has no choice but to keep step with potential enemies in terms of modern defense systems.

kick around

kick around  {v.},  {informal}
1. To act roughly or badly to; treat badly; bully.
John likes to kick around the little boys.
Mr. Jones is always kicking his dog around.
2. To lie around or in a place; be treated carelessly; be neglected.
This old coat has been kicking around the closet for years.
The letter kicked around on my desk for days.
3.  {slang}
To talk easily or carelessly back and forth about; examine in a careless or easy-going way.
Bob and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.
4. To move about often; go from one job or place to another; become experienced.
Harry has kicked around all over the world as a merchant seaman.
Categories:informal slang verb world

pay down

pay down  {v. phr.}
1. To give as a deposit on some purchase, the rest of which is to be paid in periodic installments.
"How much can you pay down on the house, sir?" the realtor asked.
2. To decrease a debt with periodical payments.
I'd like to pay down the charges on my credit cards.

pay through the nose

pay through the nose  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To pay at a very high rate; pay too much.
He had wanted experience, but this job seemed like paying through the nose for it.
There was a shortage of cars; if you found one for sale, you had to pay through the nose.
Categories:informal money nose verb

raise the roof

raise the roof  {v. phr.},  {informal}
1. To make a lot of noise; be happy and noisy.
The gang raised the roof with their singing.
2. To scold loudly.
Mother raised the roof when she saw the dog's muddy footprints on her new bedspread.
Categories:informal verb

rate with someone

rate with someone  {v. phr.}
To be esteemed highly by another.
The professor really rates with both the graduate students and the undergraduates.