Reading set "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" (Number of items 10)

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grease the wheels

grease the wheels  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To do something or act to make something go smoothly or happen in the way that is wanted.
Mr. Davis asked a friend to grease the wheels so he could borrow money from the bank.
William's father tried to grease the wheels for him to get a new job.
Categories:informal verb

kick around

kick around  {v.},  {informal}
1. To act roughly or badly to; treat badly; bully.
John likes to kick around the little boys.
Mr. Jones is always kicking his dog around.
2. To lie around or in a place; be treated carelessly; be neglected.
This old coat has been kicking around the closet for years.
The letter kicked around on my desk for days.
3.  {slang}
To talk easily or carelessly back and forth about; examine in a careless or easy-going way.
Bob and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.
4. To move about often; go from one job or place to another; become experienced.
Harry has kicked around all over the world as a merchant seaman.
Categories:informal slang verb world

put in one's place

put in one's place  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To criticize someone for impolite boldness; remind someone of low rank or position; reduce someone's unsuitable pride; deflate.
The assistant was trying to take command when the professor put him in his place by saying, "No, I'm the boss here."
She was a teacher who could put a troublemaker in his place with just a glance.
Categories:informal verb

darken one's door

To appear, as in a doorway; enter someone's home or establishment. — Used in negative imperative sentences especially with "never" and "again".
If you leave this house now, never darken my door again.
After a son shamed his father by having to go to prison, the father told him never to darken his door again.

push on

push on  {v. phr.}
To press forward; proceed forward laboriously.
The exhausted mountain climbers pushed on, despite the rough weather, as the peak was already in sight.

when the chips are down

when the chips are down  {adv. cl.},  {informal}
When the winner and loser of a bet or a game are decided; at the most important or dangerous time.
Tom hit a home run in the last inning of the game when the chips were down.
When the chips were down, the two countries decided not to have war.
(From the fact that in gambling games, a person puts chips or money down in front of him to show that he is willing to risk an amount in a bet.)
Categories:adverb informal time

pound away at

pound away at  {v. phr.}
1. To attack; criticize.
In his campaign speeches the candidate kept pounding away at the administration's foreign policy.
2. To work industriously.
Mike was pounding away at the foundation of his new house with shovels and pickaxes.

hold back

hold back  {v.}
1. To stay back or away; show unwillingness.
The visitor tried to gel the child to come to her, but he held back.
John held back from social activity because he felt embarrassed with people.
2. To keep someone in place; prevent from acting.
The police held back the crowd.
Categories:children verb

throw a curve

throw a curve  {v. phr.},  {slang},  {informal}
1. To mislead or deceive someone; to lie.
John threw me a curve about the hiring.
2. To take someone by surprise in an unpleasant way.
Mr. Weiner's announcement threw the whole company a curve.
Categories:informal lies slang verb

pick off

pick off  {v.}
1. To pull off; remove with the fingers.
He picked off the burs that had stuck to his overcoat.
2. To shoot, one at a time; knock down one by one.
The sniper picked off the slower soldiers as they came out into the road.
3. To catch a base runner off base by throwing the ball quickly to a fielder who tags him out.
The pitcher turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman to pick the runner off second base.
Compare: OFF BASE.
4. To catch and, especially in football, to intercept.
Alert defenders picked off three of Jack's passes.
Categories:time verb