Flashcards based on "Random idiom flashcards set to learn" set

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get a grip on

Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
1 of 10
[get a grip on]  {v. phr.}
To take firm control of something.
If Tim wants to keep his job, he had better get a grip on himself and start working harder.
Contrast: [LOSE ONE'S GRIP].
Categories: verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
2 of 10

get a fix on

Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
2 of 10
[get a fix on]  {v. phr.},  {informal}
Receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means, as by radar or sonar.
Can you get a fix on the submarine?
Contrast: [GET A FIX].
Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
3 of 10

get a kick out of

Categories: pleasure verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
3 of 10
[get a kick out of]  {v. phr.}
To be greatly thrilled; derive pleasure from.
Tom and Many get a kick out of playing four hands on the piano.
Categories: pleasure verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
4 of 10

named after

Categories: adjective
A Dictionary of American Idioms
4 of 10
[named after]  {adj. phr.}
Given the same name as someone.
Archibald was named after his father.
Categories: adjective
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10

Nervous Nellie

Categories: informal noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
5 of 10
[Nervous Nellie]  {n.},  {informal}
A timid person who lacks determination and courage.
I say we will never win if we don't stop being Nervous Nellies!
Categories: informal noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
6 of 10

nervous prostration

Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
6 of 10
[nervous prostration]  {n.}
An illness of the mind that makes you feel very tired, worried, and bored, and that often causes headaches, upset stomach, and other sickness.
Aunt Jane said that taking care of us children all day was enough to give any woman nervous prostration.
Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
7 of 10

Pandoras box

Categories: literary noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
7 of 10
[Pandora's box]  {n. phr.},  {literary}
A thing or problem that, if activated, will give rise to many unmanageable problems.
If they insist on having that inquiry, they will open up a Pandora's box.
Compare: [CAN OF WORMS].
Categories: literary noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
8 of 10

pant for

Categories: desire verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
8 of 10
[pant for]  {v. phr.}
To desire something very deeply.
He is panting for his girlfriend, who went out of town to see her family.
Categories: desire verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
9 of 10

say the word

Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
9 of 10
[say the word]  {v. phr.},  {informal}
To say or show that you want something or agree to something; show a wish, willingness, or readiness; give a sign; say yes; say so.
Just say the word and I will lend you the money.
I will do anything you want; just say the word.
If you get tired of those pictures, say the word.
Categories: informal verb
A Dictionary of American Idioms
10 of 10


Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms
10 of 10
[say-so]  {n.}
Approval; permission; word.
Father got angry because I took his new car out without his say-so.
Categories: noun
A Dictionary of American Idioms